A guide for using our resources

Children will identify ways to help their friends.

SEL Focus: relationship skills

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: La amabilidad es mi superpoder by Alicia Ortego

  • This kid learns how to be kind and thinks it's a fantastic thing to do.
  • The story shows how we can help others and gives examples of all the kind things we can do.

Shared Writing: Palabras de amistad

  • Make a chart of words that relate to friends and friendship. You can brainstorm qualities that make a good friend (honesto, cariñoso) and actions that good friends do (ayudar, escuchar).
  • Kids can use the chart as inspiration for the hands-on activity below.

Hands-on Activity: Tarjetas de San Valentín

Skill: writing

Materials: Plantilla de San Valentín, crayons, pencils, scissors

  • Write each child’s name on a slip of paper, and have kids pick a classmate’s name out of a bag or basket.
  • Give each child a template and have them make a valentine for the child whose name they picked! They can write or dictate to complete the sentence and then draw a picture.
  • Post children’s work on a Valentine Friendship wall.