A guide for using our resources

Children will explore what happens on Election Day.

Vocabulary: polling place, president

Social Studies Focus: citizenship, government

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: Grace for President by Kelly DiPucchio

  • In this book, a little girl named Grace runs for president at her school. Kids will learn a lot about voting and elections through the story.

Shared Writing: If I Were President

  • Talk with children about the president’s job. Explain that the president leads our country. The president helps make laws and also tries to make changes when they are needed.
  • At the top of a sheet of chart paper, write the sentence stem “If I were president, I would ...”
  • Let each child finish the sentence with something they’d like to see done in our country, for example, “let kids have free ice cream” or “give homes to stray animals.” Kids can dictate their responses, and also come up and write any letters or words they know.

Scavenger Hunt: Count the Votes!

  • On pages 2-3, work together to find and circle the word vote each time it appears. Look for it in the photos as well as the text!

Hands-on Activity: Make a Campaign Poster

Skill: writing and drawing

Materials: paper or card stock, markers or crayons

  • Explain that candidates make ads to try to convince people to vote for them.
  • Ask, “What kind of person do you think would make a good president?” and “Do you think you would make a good president? Why?” Ideas might include I work hard, I am fair, and I help people.
  • Next, make posters! Encourage kids to include a self-portrait, their name, and a reason people should vote for them. Kids can also add patriotic decorations, such as stars and flags.
  • Be sure to check out the digital version of this activity with our online game.