A guide for using our resources

Children will identify people and things that they love.

Vocabulary: cuddle, appreciate

Social and Life Skills Focus: relationship skills, social awareness

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: The Day It Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond

  • On the day it rains hearts, a little girl turns them into valentines, each one perfectly suited to its recipient.

Bonus Skill Sheet: What Do You Love?

  • Invite kids to write and draw about the people and things they love with this super-cute bonus skill sheet

Scavenger Hunt: Pages 2-3

  • Use pages 2-3 of the issue to do this scavenger hunt as a group.
  1. Find the heading. Underline it.
  2. Find the picture where the boy is getting help from his teacher. Put a ✔ on it.
  3. In the blue box, find the word that means “to hold in a gentle and loving way.” Circle it.
  4. Look at the last box. Put an X on the gift you would most like to give someone.

Hands-on Activity: I Love You Because...

Skill: writing and drawing

Materials: I Love You Because... skill sheet, scissors, crayons, construction paper and glue (optional)

  • Use our skill sheet to make adorable homemade valentines! Pass out copies of the sheet and have children cut out the heart.
  • Ask kids who they would like to make a valentine for (such as a parent or other family member). Why do they love that person? Have kids complete the sentence and draw a picture.
  • If you like, have kids mount the valentine on a piece of construction paper.
  • Then let kids deliver their valentines! They can also make multiple valentines for different recipients.