A guide for using our resources

Children will examine robots that can do jobs for firefighters.

Vocabulary: drone, human, robot

Soicial Studies Focus: fire safety

Science Focus: technology

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: Firefighters A to Z by Chris L. Demarest

  • This rhyming alphabet book introduces kids to all kinds of firefighter gear, from A to Z!

Sing Along: Fire Safety Song

  • Teach kids this song, to the tune of “There’s a Hole in the Bucket”:

If there’s ever a fire,
A fire, a fire,
If there’s ever a fire,
Oh what should you do?

You should get out and stay out,
And stay out, and stay out,
You should get out and stay out,
That’s what you should do!

  • Once kids have learned the song, divide the class in half. Have one half of the class sing the first verse, and have the other half respond with the second verse.

Scavenger Hunt: What Starts With F ?

  • F is for firefighter! Together, find and circle each word in the issue that starts with f. You can use different color markers for uppercase and lowercase f 's.

Hands-on Activity: Design a Robot

Skill: art, fine motor

Materials: empty toilet paper rolls, foil, googly eyes, construction paper, glue, various art materials such as beads, small pom-poms, pipe cleaners, and so on.

  • Let kids design their own robots! Give each child an empty toilet paper roll tube and have kids cover the tubes with tinfoil. Have them glue googly eyes near the top and draw a horizontal line for a mouth.
  • Beneath the robot’s face, kids can glue on a construction paper rectangle for the “control panel” and add on beads or small pompoms for buttons. They can also use shirt buttons! For arms, they can accordion-fold two strips of construction paper and stick one on each side. They can also use pipe cleaners or cut straws.
  • Let kids share their robots and use them for dramatic play!