A guide for using our resources

Children will identify ways to stay safe this summer.

Vocabulary: shade, sweaty

Health and Safety Focus: summer safety

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: And Then Comes Summer by Tom Brenner

  • Sensory language brings summer to life in this charming book about the joys of the season.

Vocabulary: Words to Know

  • Help make the vocabulary words from this issue “stick” with these quick ideas!
    • shade: During outdoor time, have children point out spots where there is shade.
    • sweaty: Ask children what activities make them sweaty. Can they describe how it feels to be sweaty?

Scavenger Hunt: Pages 2-3

  • Use pages 2-3 of the issue to do this scavenger hunt as a group.
  1. Find the heading. Underline it.
  2. Find the picture where the girl is wearing a life jacket. Put a ✓on it.
  3. In the aqua box, find the word that means “out of the sun.” Circle it.
  4. Look at the sidebar. Put an ✘ on the thing that helps keep your eyes safe in the sun.

Hands-on Activity: Make Your Own Sun Visor

Skill: sun safety

Materials: paper plates; scissors; any art materials (crayons, paint, markers, stickers, and so on); hole puncher; yarn, ribbon, or elastic cord

  • A sun visor helps protect your face from sunburn. Kids can make their own visors to wear during outdoor time—or any time!
  • Give each child a paper plate. Help kids cut a half-moon shape from the plate. Let them decorate the underside of the plate any way they like.
  • Next, punch a hole on each side of the visor, at the points. Thread yarn or ribbon through the holes and tie at the back to fi t. For a more sporty look, you can use elastic cord.