A guide for using our resources

Children will discuss what it means to “take only pictures, leave only footprints.”

Vocabulary: crocus, nature, respect

Science/Social Studies Focus: Earth Day

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: You Belong Here by M.H. Clark

  • In this book, gentle rhyming verse encourages kids to feel unity with nature. As children discover where all the animals and plants belong, they think about their own place in the world too.

Class Brainstorm: Nature Walk Memory Game

  • Play a simple memory game to build nature vocabulary. Start by saying “I went on a nature walk, and I saw ______." (Name something you might see on a nature walk, such as a tall tree or a squirrel.) The child sitting next to you repeats your sentence and adds one more item.
  • Keep going around the circle, adding things children might see on a nature walk as you go. Can you complete the circle and remember all the things on your list?

Scavenger Hunt: Pages 2-3

  • Use pages 2-3 of the issue to do this scavenger hunt as a group.

1. Find the animal that has spots. Put a on it.

2. Find the heading. Underline it.

3. In the blue box, find the word that names a type of flower. Circle it.

4. Find the butterfly in the illustration. Put an X on it.

Hands-on Activity: Make a Nature Walk Book!

Skill: apply knowledge

Materials: Make a Nature Walk Book skill sheet, camera, glue, pencils, crayons

  • The next time you go on a nature walk, bring along a camera. You can use your phone, a Polaroid, or a disposable camera. Tell children that as you walk, they can choose one thing to take a picture of (only one, so choose carefully!).
  • After the walk, print out or develop the photos. Give each child their photo and a copy of the skill sheet. They can paste their photo on the page and complete the sentence.
  • Add a cover, titling the book “Take Only Pictures, Leave Only Footprints.” Bind the pages together and add a new nature book to your classroom library!