A guide for using our resources

Children will investigate and answer questions about pumpkins.

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: Pumpkin Town! by Kate McKy

  • Jose’s family grows pumpkins. One day, a strong wind blows the leftover seeds to a distant town… and they take root everywhere.
  • What happens next will delight children, as well as teach them the  basics of the pumpkin life cycle!

Letter Hunt: p

  • Work together to find and circle every p. How many can you find?

Hands-on Activity: Investigate Pumpkins!

Skill: investigating

Materials: The Great Pumpkin Investigation skill sheet, one or more pumpkins

  • Bring in a pumpkin to explore as a class or a few diff erent pumpkins for children to explore in small groups. Give children copies of the skill sheet to record their observations.
  • Have children describe their pumpkins. Are they small, medium, or large? Bumpy or smooth? What color are they? Kids can use pencils and crayons to fi ll in the sheet.
  • Then have children make predictions about whether their pumpkin will sink or float. Put the pumpkin in a tub of water and see what happens!