A guide for using our resources

Children will compare and contrast apples and bananas.

  1. Watch a Video:

    Skill: build knowledge


  2. Read the Issue:
    Apples and Bananas!


  3. Sing a Song:
    Apples and Bananas

    Skill: vowel sounds


  4. Play a Game:
    Sort the Apples

    Skill: sorting


  5. Complete Skill Sheets

    Show What You Know

    Skill: comprehension

    Parts of Apples and Bananas

    Skills: diagrams


  6. Skill Boosters:

  • Alphabet Knowledge:
    Go on a Letter Hunt


  • Writing:
    Do You Like Apples or Bananas?


  • Hands-on Activity:
    Browning Apples and Bananas


CCSS (and states that have similar standards): SL.K.2, RI.K.1, RI.K.3, RI.K.7, RF.K.1.D, W.K.1

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Alphabet Knowledge: Go on a Letter Hunt

  • A is for apple! Work together to find and circle every a, capital and lowercase! How many did you find?
  • As an extra challenge, use a different color and circle the B’s for banana!

Writing: Do You Like Apples or Bananas?

  • Create a shared writing chart. On one side write: I like apples better because . . . On the other side write: I like bananas better because . . .
  • Have children tell their opinion as you write their reasons. Then read the chart aloud.

Hands-on Activity: Browning Apples and Bananas

Skill: predict, observe, and record

Materials: 1 apple, 1 banana, toothpick, “What Color Did the Apple Turn?” skill sheet

  • Cut an apple in half. Tell kids that air will make the flesh of the apple change colors. Ask what color kids think it will turn. Have them complete the left side of the sheet.
  • Leave the apple out overnight, and check it the next morning. Now have kids complete the right side of the sheet. Air turned the flesh brown.
  • Air turns bananas brown too. Try this trick! Leave the banana intact and use a toothpick to scratch a message into the peel. It will be almost invisible. Within 10 minutes, the air will turn it dark brown and readable!