A guide for using our resources

Children will identify insects and other critters, as well as the places they can be found.

Science Focus: insects and other small organisms

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: Beetle Bop by Denise Fleming

  • Rhythmic, rhyming text and beautiful illustrations celebrate all kinds of beetles in this story.
  • The musicality of language makes this book special.

Sight Word Hunt: in and on

  • The sight words in and on are also decodable words.
  • Work together to find and circle each in. Then use a diff erent color to circle each on.

Hands-on Activity: Go on a Critter Hunt!

Skill: observe and record

Materials: I Saw a Critter! skill sheet, pencils, crayons, clipboards

  • Give each child a skill sheet, clipboard, and pencil. Then go outdoors to spot some backyard critters! Kids can look for worms, ladybugs, or any other critters in your area.
  • When children find a critter, have them fill out the sheet. Back indoors, they can color it in, add details, and share their work.