A guide for using our resources

Children will sequence the steps of growing a bean plant.

Science Focus: plant life cycle

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: Jack’s Garden by Henry Cole

  • This classic cumulative tale takes children through each step of the garden’s growth.
  • Detailed pictures and lots of plant vocabulary make this a rich read-aloud.

Shared Writing: Plant Words

  • Create a chart of plant-related words that children can use in their writing or while observing plant life.
  • You can start with words from the issues, such as seed, soil, and stem. Then add more words, like flower, leaf, and petal.

Hands-on Activity: Grow Your Own Bean Plant

Skill: plant science

Materials: clear jar, cotton wool or cotton balls, beans

  • With this planting method, kids can see the roots grow down as well as the stems grow up!
  • Stuff a clear jar with cotton and put in a dried bean. Place it next to the glass, where it will be visible.
  • Water the cotton so it is damp, but not saturated, and place the jar in a sunny window.
  • Soon, kids will see a sprout, roots, stem, and leaves! If you like, kids can draw their plant's progress every few days as it grows.
  • If you'd like to keep your plant, you can transfer it to a pot with soil.