A guide for using our resources

Children will study the story of Johnny Appleseed.

Vocabulary: apodo, naturaleza

Social Studies Focus: history

Science Focus: apples

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: El manzano de las tartas by Zoe Hall

  • Collage art enhances this simple story in which a little girl describes her apple tree over the seasons.

Bonus Skill Sheet: Colorea según la letra

  • Boost letter recognition with our bonus Colorea según la letra skill sheet!
  • Tip: Before children begin, have them color each crayon in the key in the appropriate color.

Fun Facts: Más datos sobre Johnny Appleseed

  • Johnny was about 25 years old when he planted his first known orchard.
  • Johnny sold the apple tree seedlings he grew. If someone didn’t have enough money, he would give them the seedling and say, “Págame cuando puedas.
  • Sometimes Johnny traded his seedlings for a meal or a tool he needed.
  • The apples from Johnny’s trees were not very tasty! They were bitter. People used them to make cider.
  • Johnny loved the outdoors and was kind to animals.

Investigación de los trozos de manzana

Skill: observation and recording

Materials: Investigación de los trozos de manzana sheet, apple slices, lemon juice, paper


  • Do an experiment to see if lemon juice stops apple slices from turning brown.
  • Do the experiment as a emonstration or in small groups. Draw a line down the middle of a paper plate. Label one side jugo de limón and one side sin nada.
  • Place apple slices soaked in lemon juice on one side. Place plain apple slices on the other.
  • Give children the Investigación de los trozos de manzana skill sheet and have them draw their predictions. Leave the plate out overnight.
  • Check the next day. ¿Evitó el jugo de limón que los trozos se pusieran marrones? (¡Sí!) Have children complete the skill sheet by drawing what happened.