A guide for using our resources

Children will identify ways to be a good listener.

Vocabulary: distraído

Social and Life Skills Focus: self-management

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: El ninja de la comunicación by Mary Nhin

  • Ninja Life Hacks is a series of books addressing valuable life lessons. And listening is one of the most important ones!

Vocabulary: distraído

  • The more times children hear a new word, the more likely it is that the word will “stick” and become a permanent part of their vocabulary.
  • Reinforce La Gran Palabra distraído by peppering it into conversations throughout the day. You can point out when kids are distracted, have them identify things that distract them, and so on.

Hands-on Activity: Juega a escuchar

Skill: listening

Materials: none Improve listening skills with some classic games that help children practice listening! Here are a few to try.

  • Teléfono:: Sit in a circle. Whisper a message to the child sitting next to you. That child then whispers the message to the child sitting next to them. Continue until the message reaches the last child, who says the message aloud. How close was it to the original message?
  • Luz roja, luz verde: Stand at a distance from children. When you say luz verde” players move toward you. When you say “luz roja,” players must freeze. Anyone who moves on a red light has to go back to the starting line. The first child to reach you gets to be the next leader.
  • Simón dice: Stand in front of children and ask them to do different movements preceded by the words “Simón dice,” such as, “Simón dice tóquense la nariz” or “Simón dice salten.” Children should do the movement each time they hear “Simón dice.” Then give them a movement without saying “Simón dice.” Anyone who does it is out until the next round.
  • Congelados:: Play some music and have everyone dance. When the music stops, kids must freeze in place and hold that position until the music starts again. Anyone who moves has to do 10 jumping jacks at the start of the next round. Then they can dance again!