A guide for using our resources

Children will understand how bees make honey.

Vocabulary: apicultor, fábrica, líquido, néctar

Science Focus: insects

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Texts: Kaia y las abejas by Maribeth Boeltz

  • Kaia is very brave, she can eat spicy food! But she's still really scared of bees. That's not very helpful when your parents are beekeepers!

Bonus Skill Sheet: Sopa de letras de las abejas

  • Kids can practice vocabulary, reading, and spelling with this fun skill sheet!

Scavenger Hunt: Páginas 2-3

  • Use pages 2-3 of the issue to do this scavenger hunt as a group.
  1. Encuentra el titular. Subráyalo.
  2. Encuentra la foto en que la abeja toma néctar. Márcala con un ✔.
  3. En el recuadro amarillo, encuentra la palabra que significa "persona que cuida de las abejas". Rodéala.
  4. Mira el recuadro anaranjado. Señala el nombre de la parte en la foto.

Hands-on Activity: Trabaja como una abeja

Skill: fine-motor, science

Materials: jar, water, food coloring, turkey baster or eye-dropper, ice cube tray

  • Bees suck up nectar from flowers and bring it back to the hive to make honey. Have kids pretend to be worker bees with this fine-motor activity!
  • Put water in a jar and add yellow food coloring. This is the "néctar.” Place an ice cube tray a short distance from the jar. The tray’s sections will be the cells in the “colmena.”
  • Have kids suck up the nectar with the baster, carry it back to the hive, and deposit it in one of the cells. As kids improve, you can increase the distance between the nectar and the hive.