A guide for using our resources

Children will identify parts of plants.

Vocabulary: comestible, rama

Science Focus: plants

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Texts: Lola planta un jardín by Anna McQuinn

  • This classic tale takes children through each step of the garden’s growth.

Bonus Skill Sheet: ¡Cómete toda la planta!

  • Enjoy a healthy, veggie-rich snack and use this fun sorting skill sheet as a placemat!

Scavenger Hunt: Páginas 2-3

  • Use pages 2-3 of the issue to do this scavenger hunt as a group.
  1. Encuentra el titular. Subráyalo.
  2. Encuentra la foto en la que la planta sirve de cama. Ponle un ✔.
  3. En el recuadro azul, encuentra la palabra que nombra la parte de un árbol. Rodéala.
  4. Mira la barra al final de la revista. Encuentra cuatro plantas verdes.

Hands-on Activity: ¡Las plantas pueden hacer arte!

Skill: art, science

Materials: For paint: colorful fruits, veggies, and/or spices; blender; water, small jars. For brushes: sticks and twigs; variety of natural plant items; rubber bands or string.

  • Kids learned from the issue that plants can be many surprising things. They can also be art supplies! Try either or both of the ideas below.
  • Make Plant Paint: Gather any colorful plant ingredients you like to make different colors of paint. Ideas include spinach, carrots, strawberries, and blueberries. You can also use powdered plants (that is, spices!) like turmeric or chili
  • powder. If using food, simply puree in a blender and pour into a small jar, then mix with water. For spices, just mix with water! Remember to add only a little water at a time: too much water will dilute the color of your paint.
  • Make Plant Paintbrushes: Go outside to collect sticks and twigs for the handles of your brushes. Let kids pick any plant parts they’d like for the ends of the brushes. They can try blades of grass, leaves, wildflowers, and so on. Secure the items to the sticks with rubber bands, or tie with string. Then experiment with your plant paintbrushes!