A guide for using our resources

Children will sequence how hummingbird babies grow up.

Vocabulary: salir del cascarón

Science Focus: egg animals, life cycles

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Texts: El mejor nido by P. D. Eastman

  • Sr. and Sra. Pájaro are looking for a new home, just to realize there's nothing wrong with their old one.

Bonus Skill Sheet: Nidos de aves que riman

  • Kids can practice phonograms with this fun skill sheet.

Scavenger Hunt: Páginas 2-3

  • Use pages 2-3 of the issue to do this scavenger hunt as a group.
  1. Encuentra el titular. Subráyalo.
  2. Encuentra la foto donde los polluelos tienen 13 días de nacidos. Ponle un ✔.
  3. Encuentra y rodea la palabra chiquitito cada vez que aparezca.
  4. Mira la barra al final de la página. Encuentra el nido que le servir.a a un pato, (pista: Los patos viven en el agua).

Hands-on Activity: Haz una bolsa para un nido

Skill: science

Materials: plastic netting or mesh bag (like those that oranges are sold in), fabric scraps and/or yarn

  • This simple activity is great for observing birds! Gather scraps of yarn and/or strips of fabric cut 1/4 inch wide and at least 6 inches long.
  • Put the scraps and strips into an empty net produce bag. Pull the ends through the netting all around the bag, so it looks like a bundle of loose scraps. Then tie off the top of the bag.
  • Hang the bag from a tree branch and look out for birds that come to gather nest materials! You can also check the bag for signs that birds have been there.
  • Whenever you walk around the neighborhood, look out for bird nests. You just might spot scraps from your bag being put to good use!