A guide for using our resources

Children will identify traits and habits that helped Simone Biles become a superstar.

Vocabulary: gimnasta, talento

Social Studies Focus: Black History Month

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: Flying High: The Story of Gymnastics Champion Simone Biles by Michelle Meadows

  • Learn more about Simone’s life story with this rhyming biography. Only in English.

Scavenger Hunt: Páginas 2-3

  • Use pages 2-3 of the issue to do this scavenger hunt as a group. You can circle the word need in one color and the word want in another color.
  1. Encuentra el titular. Subráyalo.
  2. Rodea la palabra MEJOR cada vez que aparezca.
  3. Encuentra la foto de las medallas de Simone. Márcala con un ✔.
  4. En el recuadro verde, encuentra la palabra que significa "un poco asustada". Rodéala.

Hands-on Activity: El premio al MEJOR

Skill: writing and drawing

Materials: El premio al MEJOR skill sheet, pencils, crayons

  • Let kids be inspired by Simone to become los MEJORES themselves!
  • Invite kids to think of something they are good at. It might be a sport (such as soccer), a creative outlet (such as painting), or any skill or hobby.
  • Guide kids through filling out the skill sheet. First, have them write the thing they are good at and draw themselves doing it.
  • Next, have them write and draw something they still need to learn in order to become el MEJOR.
  • Finally, let them fill in their award with their name and their skill! You can post children’s work on el MEJOR wall for an inspiring display.