A guide for using our resources

Children will examine how to use their senses to learn about insects.

Vocabulary: insectos, molestar

Science Focus: five senses, insects

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: El coleccionista de insectos by Alex G. Griffith

  • After visiting the museum, this kid realizes that he loves bugs, so he becomes a collector. But bugs are not supposed to be trapped in jars! What will he do?

Science: Las partes de los insectos

  • Build children’s science knowledge and vocabulary with this bonus skill sheet! Let children cut on the dotted lines and then put the insect back together, naming each part as they go.

Scavenger Hunt: Páginas 2-3

  • Use pages 2-3 of the issue to do this scavenger hunt as a group.

1.  Encuentra la imagen del insecto que hace su propia luz. Márcala con un ✔.

2. Encuentra el titular. Subráyalo.

3. En el recuadro amarillo, encuentra la palabra que singnifica fastidiar. Rodéala.

4. Mira el recuadro rojo. Encuentra tres animalitos que no son insectos.

Hands-on Activity: Insectos de cartón de huevos

Skill: art, science

Materials: egg cartons; art materials such as paint, markers, googly eyes, and pom-poms; pipe cleaners; a push pin or tape

  • This activity combines art, science, fine-motor skills, and counting. In advance, cut egg cartons into sections. You can cut them for different-shaped insects. Some may be a single cup, some may be two attached cups, and some may be three. When turned upside-down, they will make insects.
  • Trim the edges so the insects are even all the way around. Next cut pipe cleaners into pieces for legs.
  • Let children choose their insect shape and paint it. Once the paint dries, add eyes and legs. Remind kids that every insect has six! Children can help you attach six legs by taping them to the inside or threading the legs through holes you make with a push pin.
  • When kids are finished, display the bugs in an “Museo de insectos” for all to enjoy!