A guide for using our resources

Children will identify poison ivy and analyze how goats helped a park with a poison ivy problem.

Vocabulary: alquilar, sarpullido

Science Focus: plants

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: Lola planta un jardín by Anna McQuinn

  • Lola is a lovely character in young children's books and this time we join her while trying to grow a garden with her mom.

Science Knowledge: Datos curiosos

  • The oily substance in poison ivy is called urushiol [yu-ROO-shee-ol]. It’s in poison oak and sumac too. It gives most people who touch it an itchy rash.
  • You can’t catch a poison ivy rash from another person’s rash.
  • The rash can break out gradually on your body. The parts of your body that are most sensitive to urushiol will probably break out first. Less sensitive areas can break out later.
  • The poison ivy plant grows berries that get ripe and bright. Migrating birds can spot and eat them.

Scavenger Hunt: Páginas 2-3

  • Use pages 2-3 of the issue to do this scavenger hunt as a group.

1. Encuentra los dos títulos. Subráyalos.

2. Encuentra la imagen en que las cabras se están comiendo la hiedra venenosa. Márcala con un ✔ .

3. En el recuadro verde, encuentra la palabra que quiere decir “pagar para usar por un tiempo”. Rodéala.

4. Mira la barra al final de la revista. Rodea las imágenes con hiedra venenosa.

Hands-on Activity: ¡Come la planta entera!

Skill: vocabulary, plant parts

Materials: ¡Come la planta entera! skill sheet, variety of edible plant parts

  • Kids learned from the issue that goats eat poison ivy. What kinds of plants and plant parts can kids eat?
  • In advance, gather edible plant parts, for example: broccoli flowers, sunflower seeds, lettuce leaves, celery stems, and carrot roots.
  • Pass out the skill sheets and point out the different plant parts on the diagram. Explain that kids can eat one. Then set out the foods on paper plates.
  • Have kids sort their snack on the skill sheet. They can put each plant part in the correct place on the diagram. Then let them enjoy this healthy snack!