Lesson Plan: ¡Feliz Día de los Veteranos!
A guide for using our resources
Learning Objective
Children will identify ways to honor veterans and celebrate Veterans Day.
Vocabulary: celebrar, desfile, fuerzas armadas, paracaídas, patriótico, respeto, veteranos
Social Studies Focus: Veterans Day
Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.
Paired Text: Veterans: Heroes in Our Neighborhood by Valerie Pfundstein
Paired Text: Veterans: Heroes in Our Neighborhood by Valerie Pfundstein
- This book uses rhyming text to show children how many veterans might live right in their town.
Scavenger Hunt: Busca las letras en Veterano
Scavenger Hunt: Busca las letras en Veterano
- Write the word VETERANO on the board. Have kids look around the room, through books, or in the magazine for words that start with those letters.
- Alternately, you can brainstorm words for each letter, for example:
V - vegetal, veterano, violín
E - encontrar, elefante
T - tabla, techo, tacos
E - ejército, esconder
R - rosa, respeto, rojo
A - aire, amigo, avión
N - no, nido, nuez
O - oreja, ola, ojo
Vocabulary: respeto
Vocabulary: respeto
- Focus on the word respeto from the sidebar. Explain that when you show respect to others, you let them know you think they are important and that you appreciate them.
- Ask, “¿Cómo demuestras respeto en tu clase?” (recojo, levanto la mano) “¿Cómo demuestras respeto en el parque?” (no tiro basura, espero mi turno)
Hands-on Activity: Haz un cartel del Día de los Veteranos
Hands-on Activity: Haz un cartel del Día de los Veteranos
Skill: writing and drawing
Materials: Cartel del Día de los Veteranos skill sheets, markers or crayons, poster board or oaktag
- Make Veterans Day posters to hang in your classroom or in the hallway! If you like, make a few copies of the Cartel del Día de los Veteranos skill sheets. Kids can color the pictures and paste them on the posters for patriotic fl air.
- Kids can also create their own pictures and decorations, as well as write simple phrases like “gracias.” You might also try writing “Feliz Día de los Veteranos” in block or bubble letters and having kids color the letters in..