A guide for using our resources

Children will describe the adaptations and defenses of different insects.

Vocabulary: camuflaje, engañar, insectos, llamar la atención

Science Focus: insects, animal adaptations

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: Pedro y sus insectos by Fran Manushkin

  • Pedro has to collect insects for a school assignment. He goes home and collects a lot of bugs.
  • What will happen when his brother lets them all out?

Vocabulary: Palabras a saber

  • Help make the vocabulary words from this issue “stick” with these quick ideas!
    • Llama la atención: Pregúntele a los niños sobre algo que les llamó la atención en camino a la escuela.
    • camuflaje: Pídale a los niños que miren el color de sus camisas. Pídales que señales un lugar donde podrían camufl arse.
    • insectos: Pídale a los niños que nombren algo que hacen los insectos.

Scavenger Hunt: Páginas 2-3

  • Use pages 2-3 of the issue to do this scavenger hunt as a group.
  1. Mira el cuadro azul. ¿Qué palabra signifi ca "hacer creer algo falso a alguien”? Rodéala.
  2. Encuentra la foto del insecto que parece caca de pájaro. Márcala con un ✓.
  3. Encuentra el titular. Subráyalo.
  4. Mira la barra lateral. Marca con una X el insecto que NO está camuflado.

Hands-on Activity: Diseña un insecto listo

Skill: apply knowledge

Materials: paper, pencils, crayons

  • Invite children to make up their own tricky insect! They can design and draw an insect that tricks animals into thinking it is something else. For instance, a mushroom insect might look like a mushroom . . . or a robot insect might look like a robot!
  • Kids can design their insect to look like anything they want, as long as they can explain how that keeps other animals from eating it. (A mushroom insect could blend in; a robot insect could frighten animals away.) Also remind kids that insects have six legs and two antennas.
  • Have kids draw their insect, write its name, and then explain their insect’s trick to the group.