A guide for using our resources

Children will sequence the steps in the chicken life cycle.

Vocabulary: gallina, gallinero, gallo

Science Focus: animal life cycles

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: Cánticos: Los pollitos by Susie Jaramillo

  • Teach children the traditional song of Los pollitos with this lovely bilingual cardboard book.
  • Kids will also learn about how the hen takes care of her chicks.

Sequencing: Poner en orden

  • Use the Poner en orden skill sheet to make a sequencing puzzle. Cut out the pictures and put them in a plastic bag for center time.
  • To do the activity, simply have kids put the photos in the correct order, narrating the steps aloud as they do so.

Scavenger Hunt: Páginas 2-3

  • Use pages 2-3 of the issue to do this scavenger hunt as a group.
  1. Encuentra el titular. Subráyalo.
  2. Rodea el número que te dice cuántos días tarda el pollito en salir del cascarón.
  3. Encuentra el bocadillo de diálogo. Márcalo con un ✓.
  4. Mira el cuadro azul. ¿Qué palabra signifi ca “seguros y abrigados”? Subráyala.

Hands-on Activity: Haz una rueda del ciclo de vida

Skill: sequencing

Materials: Haz una rueda del ciclo de vida skill sheets, scissors, crayons, paper fasteners


  • Make a copy of both skill sheets for each child. Have children cut out the top wheel and bottom wheel.
  • Next, children can color the pictures and write their name. Finally, have them put the top wheel on top of the bottom wheel and insert a paper fastener through the middle. They can use the arrow tab to turn the wheel.
  • As each picture shows through the window, have children describe what happens during that step, for example: La gallina empolla los huevos. Entonces los huevos comienzan a romperse. Cuando el pollito recién nace, está mojado. Luego, el pollito se seca.