A guide for using our resources

Children will identify and explain the steps of brushing their teeth.

Vocabulary: apretar, caries, pasta de dientes

Health and Safety Focus: dental health

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: El tesoro del Ratoncito Pérez by Sonia Almendros

  • One of these two girls looses a tooth, and it's the perfect time to learn about who is Ratoncito Pérez.

Class Brainstorm: Cómo tener dientes felices

  • Write the heading Cómo tener dientes felices at the top of a piece of chart paper. Then invite children to share dental health tips for you to write down.
  • They can share tips from the issue (such as cepíllate dos veces al día), or any other background knowledge they may have. Hang the chart in the classroom for Mes de la Higiene Dental.

Scavenger Hunt: Páginas 2-3

  • Use pages 2-3 of the issue to do this scavenger hunt as a group.

1. En el primer cuadro, encuentra las palabras de los colores. Rodéalas.

2. Encuentra el titular. Subráyalo.

3. Encuentra la foto que muestra el último paso cuando te lavas los dientes. Márcalo con una ✓.

4. Mira la barra al fondo. Rodea tres comidas que son buenas para tus dientes.

Hands-on Activity: Crea una boca sana

Skill: dental health, writing

Materials: Tiras de oraciones para crear una boca sana skill sheet, red and pink construction paper, pencils, scissors, small white pom-poms, glue, string

  • Give each child a sheet of each color construction paper. To make the red part of the mouth, have children fold their red sheet in half along the long edge. Then have them cut a half-oval shape, leaving the folded side intact. Next, have children cut a tongue shape from the pink paper. (You can also precut these shapes if you’d like.)
  • Have children open the red oval and glue the tongue shape on the lower half. Then have kids glue 10 white pom-poms around the bottom half and 10 around the top half. This represents the 20 baby teeth kids have!
  • As the glue dries, hand out the sentence strips and have kids complete the sentence by writing or dictating. Then have them glue the strip to the roof of the mouth.
  • Kids can use their mouths to practice fl ossing! Have them use string to “clean” between the pompoms.