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Children will identify the parts of an owl and how they help the owl hunt.

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: Zzzz. Y ellos, ¿cómo duermen? by Il Sung Na

  • Owls are supposed to stay awake at night, so this little owl decides to check out how other animals sleep!
  • Help kids learn about nocturnal and diurnal animals.

Text Feature Hunt: Términos

  • Work together to find each término in the photos of the mini book. Can you find them all? Which one has an arrow?
  • Answers: garras on page 3 has an arrow; the other two términos appear on page 8 (búho and ratón).

Hands-on Activity: El búho escucha, el ratón chilla

Skill: scientific role-play

Materials: squeak toy, paper to rustle, or any type of subtle noisemaker

  • Have children stand in a circle. Choose one child to be the owl and stand in the middle. Have the owl hide her eyes as you choose a mouse. Give the mouse a small noisemaker and have all children hide their hands behind their backs.
  • Have the owl open her eyes, and have the mouse make the noise a few times. Can the owl find which child is the mouse? Expand the circle farther out. Now can the owl find the mouse? Keep going and see how far the owl can hear!
  • Explain that owls use their super hearing to hunt. In fact, an owl can hear a mouse from 900 feet away! Let kids take turns playing owls and mice.