A guide for using our resources

Children will discuss and act out different ways to be a good friend.

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Reading: Paired Text

  • Read Buscando el hogar by Estel Meza, a simple but wonderful book about friendship.
  • When a wind gust blows away Conejo’s house, he tries to find it with his friends. A story about friendship in times of hardship!

Writing: Show the Monster

  • Start a shared writing chart with the sentence stem from the minibook: Enséñale al monstruo cómo ___________.
  • Together, brainstorm additional ways to end the sentence, such as jugar al fútbol con un amigo, merendar con un amigo, sonreír a un amigo.

Hands-on Activity: ¡Como yo!

Skill: social and emotional learning

Materials: none

  • This game builds friendship and community by showing kids what they have in common. Sit in a circle. One child stands up and says a fact about himself or herself (favorite color/food, has a brother/ sister, etc.).
  • All children for whom the fact is also true say “¡Como yo!” and stand up.
  • The child who began the game picks one of the kids who stood up to lead the next round. Play continues until each child has shared a fact.


  • If kids need help coming up with facts, whisper a question (for example, “¿Cuál es tu juego preferido?”). Repeats are OK too!
  • To make sure everyone gets a turn, you can help choose who leads each round.