A guide for using our resources

Children will analyze and act out rabbit behavior.

Science Focus: animal behavior

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text: El cuento clásico de Pedrito by Beatrix Potter

  • This sweet story follows a wee little bunny on a spring day adventure.
  • Beautiful illustrations and gentle text make this a lovely read-aloud.

Letter Hunt: Encuentra la j

  • Display the cover of the issue. Work together to find and circle every word with a letter !
  • How is the letter j pronounced in Spanish? Ask children to read aloud those words.

Hands-on Activity: ¡Salta como el conejito!

Skill: measurement

Materials: masking tape or sidewalk chalk, measuring tape

  • Rabbits can leap nearly ten feet forward. Have kids hop and see how close they can get to a rabbit!
  • Using sidewalk chalk outside or masking tape inside, make a 10-foot line. For fun, put a picture of a bunny at the end.
  • One at a time, let kids stand at one end of the line and jump as far as they can.
  • Use the measuring tape to mark the distance. Kids can try a few jumps and see if they get closer to the bunny!