¡Cuenta hacia atrás para las elecciones! Lesson Plan

Academic Standards


Reading Objective:

Children will understand key facts about the upcoming presidential election.


Social Studies Focus:

civics, government


Page 4 Skill:




candidato, Día de las Elecciones, jefe, presidente, votar



RI.K.1, RF.K.1, W.K.6,, SL.K.2

  • Watch our video ¡Es hora de votar!
  • Afterward, ask kids if they are looking forward to being able to vote when they grow up. What will be most exciting about voting for president?
  • Read the magazine together.
  • Complete our Demuestra lo que sabes skill sheet to reinforce the key take aways from the issue.
  • With our Crea un cartel game, kids can design and print their own campaign posters. For more offscreen fun, use our handson activity at right.
  • Build basic concepts of print as well as beginning writing skills with our our Desenreda la oración skill sheet.

Materials: paper or card stock, markers or crayons

  • Explain that candidates make ads to try to convince people to vote for them.
  • Ask “¿Cómo debería ser la persona que creen sería un buen presidente?”. “¿Creen que serían buenos presidentes? ¿Por qué?” Ideas might include trabajo mucho, soy justo, and ayudo a la gente.
  • Next, make posters! Encourage kids to include a self portrait, their name, and a reason people should vote for them. Kids can also add patriotic decorations, such as stars and flags.
  • Be sure to check out the digital version of this activity with our online game.