Un día importante para los patitos Lesson Plan

Academic Standards


Reading Objective:

Children will explore what baby ducklings need to survive their first

day at the pond.


Science Focus:

what baby animals need


Page 4 Skill:

using visuals



estanque, nido, patitos



RI.K.1, RI.1.4, L.1.4, SL.K.2

  • Before watching our video ¡El pato!, ask kids if they know the name for a baby duck. It’s duckling!
  • After watching, ask, “¿Qué pasa después de que los patitos salen del cascarón? ¿Cómo crecen?”
  • Ducklings need warmth, food, and protection to stay alive. Read the magazine together. After you read, ask questions like, “¿Cómo se dan calor los patitos?” “¿Cómo se protegen?”
  • Then get kids up and moving like baby animals with our ¡BAILA BAILA! video.
  • Finally, do the Demuestra lo que sabes skill sheet.
  • The pond habitat is full of life! Kids can discover it all in our Encuéntralo
  • en el estanque game.
  • In our Ayuda a los animales a llegar al estanque skill sheet, kids hone their fi ne-motor skills by tracing challenging patterns.
Example of a completed skill sheet and a seed

Materials: Parts of a Seed skill sheet, large bean seeds (such as pinto, kidney, or lima beans)

  • In advance, gather some bean seeds. The varieties listed above will work well. Soak them in water for 12-24 hours.
  • Give each child a seed and a copy of the skill sheet. They can rub their fingers on the bean to see the seed coat come off, and then split the bean down the middle to see what’s inside.
  • Using the diagram as a guide, have children look for those parts inside their seed. If they find one, have them draw it on the bottom of the sheet. They can add labels, using the diagram for reference.
  • Let kids know that they don’t have to find every part, and that their seed might look a little bit different from the diagram. When they have finished, let kids share their findings!
Paper ducks on popsicle sticks

Materials: “Plantilla de títere de mamá pata”, “Plantilla de títeres de patitos”, crayons or markers, scissors, craft sticks, tape or glue

  • Split children into small groups. Give each group one set of template, scissors, and markers or crayons. Kids can work together to cut out and color the mama duck and ducklings.
  • Next, tape or glue the mama duck and ducklings to craft sticks to make puppets. For the duckling puppets, kids can write the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on the craft sticks.
  • Let each child in each group take a puppet. Then recite the poem below as groups act it out!

Cinco patitos tiene la pata,
cinco patitos en el lago de plata,
a cinco abrigó, con los cinco nadó
y a todos los cinco cariño les dio.