A guide for using our resources

Children will use their five senses to explore and describe diff erent types of communities.

Social Studies Focus: communities

Science Focus: five senses

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Texts: Los sonidos a mi alrededor by Paul Showers

  • In this book, a little girl walks around her neighborhood with her father and her dog and recounts all the sounds she hears.
  • Wonderful use of onomatopoeia encourages children to imitate the sounds themselves!

Punctuation Hunt: Signos de pregunta

  • Work together to find and circle each question mark in the issue.
  • If you like, you can then use a different color to find and circle the exclamation points.

Hands-on Activity: Un paseo por el vecindario

Skill: observation and recording

Materials: Mi paseo por el vecindario skill sheet, clipboards, pencils

  • Take kids on a fi ve-senses walk around your neighborhood! Give each child a skill sheet, a pencil, and a writing surface.
  • As you walk, you can focus on one sense at a time. Have children look around them and then record one thing they saw on their sheet. Next, have everyone hush up and close their eyes. What is one thing they heard?
  • It’s OK if kids can’t fi ll all the boxes—but if you want to safely include taste, bring along some spring vegetables for a snack!